Traffic Lights Framework – Understanding Healthy Sexual Development and Protecting Children from Harm

OUTLINE The Traffic Lights Framework explores typical and age appropriate sexual behaviours in children, and importantly, also examines sexual behaviours that might signal abuse, risk factors associated with sexual abuse, and protective responses that can be taken to maximise child safety. The presentation walks participants through applying the Traffic Lights Framework by using example sexual […]

Building executive functioning through musical experiences

OUTLINE Age Range applicable: Kindy & PrepOutline: Executive functioning relies on neurological processes that support children to engage in high level thinking skills. These processes include: working memory, inhibitory control, flexible thinking. Development of these cognitive processes supports children to be motivated and engaged in learning tasks and work towards becoming self regulated learners. This […]

Igniting STEM Learning through Nature Education

OUTLINE Age range taught: Kindy - Prep At Lobethal Kindergarten they have a strong nature pedagogy and a focus on reflective practice. Join the staff as they share their journey from toys to tools, to Nature Play, to Nature Education. The presenters will share how their Bush Kindy Program is inspiring learning dispositions vital to STEM […]

Looking beyond Twinkle twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children

Online for members only

Looking beyond Twinkle twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children with Sue Lewin  25 March 2020 4:30pm - 6pm   Looking beyond Twinkle Twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children Abstract:- Zoltan Kodaly, a famous musicologist believed that choosing music for children is as important as choosing food for them. In this webinar we explore where to […]

Incorporating Auslan (Australian Sign Language) into your program

Incorporating Auslan(Australian Sign Language)into your programOutline: For the last four years Andrea has been developing and implementing a program at Toowong Childcare Centre, integrating Auslan into almost every aspect of their learning. You will hear about their journey so far and experiences along the way. She will share research and support the learning of Auslan as an […]

Connecting well-being, behaviour and play with Niki Buchan

Outline: Experience and research shows that play is critical for healthy human development at all ages, but often seen as frivolous when it comes to children and education particularly once children go to school. There is increasing concern about children’s mental health; the increase in children diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD and challenging […]

Wellbeing and restorative practices beyond ” Stop it! I don’t like it!” Kelly McBurnie

REGISTER: Restorative practices beyond " Stop it! I don't like it!" Outline: Getting beyond - "Stop it! I don't like it!" to create an RP environment. How do we move children towards becoming more reflective at a very early age? How should we deal with conflict on the playground? What alternatives are there to time […]

Specifically unpacking What Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspetives Looks Like within our Kindy Space with Belinda Rule

Online for members only

Specifically unpacking what embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives looks like within our kindy space with Belinda Rule Wednesday 30 September 2020 5.00 – 6:30 pm Outline: Based on the amazing feedback from the ECTA online conference, Belinda will be looking at a few of the Kindy’s initiatives from start to finish.  She realises that […]

Music-making with purpose: more than just ‘Twinkle, twinkle’

Online for members only

ECTA Webinar:  Music-making with purpose: more than just ‘Twinkle, twinkle’5pm to 6:30pm 28 October 2020ECTA Members CLICK HERE to register OUTLINE: 'Children’s music education materials should be chosen as carefully as choosing food for them.' Zoltan Kodaly This hands-on, interactive workshop will investigate the links between music and young children’s development, success in other areas of […]


ECTA AGM & WEBINARWednesday 25 November 4pm to 5:30pm followed by Webinar (see details below) (The AGM will be followed by he November webinar) MEETING ID is the same for webinar and AGM. (ID and password will be sent once you register) All Individual, Concessional and Student Members of ECTA are able to attend the […]

ECTA February Webinar

Online for members only

Educator Wellbeing: The Phoenix Cups approach with Christopher Phoenix Wednesday 24 February 2021 5.00pm – 6:30 pm AVAILABLE TO ECTA 2021 MEMBERS ONLY AGE RANGE TAUGHT: Birth to Year three OUTLINE: As human beings, we all have needs that need to be met. When they aren’t met, life doesn’t function the way it should. Our behaviour […]

April Webinar Sandi Pheonix

Online for members only

Registration link

Effectively planning supported transitions – everyone’s business with Leanne Unie Day and Rebecca Minter

Effectively planning supported transitions everyone’s business with Leanne Unie Day and Rebecca Minter ECTA WEBINARS ARE OPEN TO ECTA MEMBERS ONLY Age range taught: 3.5yrs - 4.5yrs Be challenged to consider supported transitions for children and families with complex needs. Who are the key players, how we can ensure child and family voice is heard, […]

Learning Through Schematic Play with Elise Waghorn

Learning Through Schematic Play with Elise Waghorn Age range taught: Children under 3 years Outline: This course will encourage educators to delve deeper into what is schematic play and how to support infants and toddlers to be curious learners within their learning. Educators will come away from this course having a complex understanding around the […]

ECTA Webinar Bush Kinder & Loose Parts play with Jennifer McCormack & Navell Neville

Create your own playground! Be resourceful with the materials you have, and the things that you find in nature. Birdwings Forest School Directors Jen and Narell take you on a tour of their Adventure Playground in their outdoor site and show you the potential for rich and dynamic play with just a few resources. We […]

Attachment Theory for Educators with Fiona Meredith

Fiona's presentation initially covers attachment theory, trauma theory and brain development and concludes her presentation with practical strategies for educators in the classroom and school environment. This presentation provides many opportunities to hear about ways of working with young people who have experienced disrupted attachment and trauma. The message of hope, safety, and recovery within […]

Critical Reflection – Impact and Implementation with Dr Debra Williams

The National Quality Standard (NQS) is the benchmark for quality in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) within Australia. Reflective practice is at the core of the NQS (ACECQA, 2013) in order to raise standards and inform future planning and decision making (COAG, 2009; Kennedy, 2011). Critical reflection is identified as foundational to good practice […]