ECTA Committees
Welcome to the ECTA committee webpage! Our committee is made up of a dedicated group of individuals who are passionate about our cause and strive to make a positive impact on our community.
ECTA has several committees which work together to strengthen our association, the State Management Committee, Journal Committee, Conference Committee and Web Committee.
ECTA is committed to transparency and accountability. We regularly communicate with our stakeholders to ensure that their voices are heard, and we make informed decisions based on feedback and data. We believe that working together is the key to success and that everyone has a role to play in creating positive change.
We are always looking for passionate and dedicated individuals to join our committees. If you are interested in getting involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community and beyond.
Life Members
1998 Gail Halliwell 1998 Jeanette O’Shea 1998 Gerald Ashby (Dec) 1999 Caroline Wilde 2000 Debbie Gahan 2001 Lil Gwyther (Dec) 2002 Yvonne Davis (Dec) 2003 Cathy Holyoak |
2004 Noeleen Christensen 2006 Pam Fulmer 2001 Lil Gwyther (Dec) 2002 Yvonne Davis (Dec) 2003 Cathy Holyoak 2004 Noeleen Christensen 2006 Pam Fulmer 2007 Mark Cooper |
2009 Toni Michael 2013 Robbie Leikvold 2016 Lynne Moore 2019 Angela Drysdale 2019 Sue Webster 2019 Jenny Caswell 2023 Kim Walters 2023 Lisa Cooper
State Management Committee

Kim Walters
Kim began her teacher training at Brisbane Kindergarten Teachers’ College in 1979 and joined ECTA to attend the ECTA Conference. Kim’s first teaching position was at the Blackwater Kindergarten between 1982 and 1986. After the birth of her first child she moved to Gympie and recommenced teaching in 1993 at Gympie Community Kindergarten (now known as Alma Street Pre-Prep). In 2006 she began teaching at Gympie South State School in the Prep Class. Kim retired from teaching in 2015.
In 2002 Kim joined the State Management Committee, volunteering to take on the vacated role of State Regional Groups Coordinator and in 2005 became Vice-President followed by President in 2007. As President, Kim strives to support regional and remote members. She continues to be an office bearer for the ECTA Cooloola Regional Group. Kim strongly believes that children need to be co-constructors of their own educational programs. Contributing and being respected leads to high engagement and maximum learning. Kim also is the secretary of the Journal Committee and Coordinators the Conference and website.
Beginning her teaching in regional Queensland the ECTA annual conference was the highlight of her year as she had extremely limited opportunities to connect with other Early Childhood Professionals. The Emerald Kindergarten (45 minutes away) had the closest Early Childhood Teacher and consultants visited once a year. Kim is passionate about using modern technologies to connect with colleagues across the state, country and world.

Helen Noble
Helen is an enthusiastic and passionate early years educator, who has worked in the field for almost 40 years across a number of towns in Queensland. Helen is very proud to be known as one of “those” Kelvin Grove BKTC trained Preschool Teachers whose “creative play based, and relationship driven philosophy” remains as true today as it was back in the early 1980’s.
With a love of the arts including music, dance and creative thinking and design, her programs were focussed on meeting the needs of each individual. Helen worked in many roles including Preschool, Primary, Special Needs Teacher, HOC, Early Years Advisor and Kindergarten Director.
Since retiring, three years ago, Helen has been able to devote more time to her love of photography, attending music gigs, travel (COVID willing) scrapbooking, cooking, and socialising with her family and friends. She has not missed the paperwork!
Helen also joined the ECTA management and conference committee in 2020 and has relished the challenge of coordinating the conference site in Brisbane.

Joanne Young
Joanne is a qualified early years teacher, who completed her teaching training at Central Queensland University, and has worked in the Central Queensland region throughout her working career.
Joanne has worked as relief teacher, classroom teacher, kindergarten teacher and has worked across settings including schools, early learning services and school-age care services. Joanne is also a qualified trainer and has delivered the early childhood education and care package. Joanne is currently working as the coordinator of a family day care scheme.
Joanne has always been committed to quality education and care as she believes that early childhood education provides the foundations for our children and our society. Joanne believes that by empowering educators we can provide supportive environments for our children to enhance their learning and enable them to be successful learners throughout life.
In her spare time, Joanne enjoys scrapbooking and working in her local community to support educators and organisations to come together to support families and young children.
Joanne joined ECTA many years ago to not only engage in quality professional development but to network and collaborate with other educators. Jaanne joined the State Management Committee in 2015 and restablished the Rockhampton Regional Group during that year. Joanne’s roles with ECTA include State Management Committee Secretary and Webinar Organiser.

Lisa Cooper
Lisa Cooper first joined ECTA as a member in 1992. She helped to form the Hervey Bay ECTA Regional Group in 1995. Lisa continues to be an active member of the Hervey Bay group, and has held the role of Treasurer since 1998. Lisa took her involvement with ECTA to a higher level when she joined the State ECTA Management Committee in 2009. Since 2010 Lisa has been in the role of Treasurer, and is the Conference Committee Secretary. Lisa represents ECTA on the Qld College of Teachers Professional Standards Committee and is an accredited AITSL panellist for teacher education course approvals and endorsements. Lisa’s professional journey with education has spanned across several years and various roles, including (school-based roles) Preschool Teacher, Preschool Teacher-in-Charge, Prep Teacher and Acting Deputy Principal; (regional based roles) Early Years Advisory Visiting Teacher, Age Appropriate Pedagogy Coach and Early Years Coach. After completing her Master’s in Education (Guidance and Counselling), Lisa moved her professional career into the area of wellbeing, working as a Guidance Officer and currently holds the role of a Senior Guidance Officer in the North Coast Region. Lisa is passionate about early childhood being an important time in life; where children learn every day by doing. As an early year’s educator Lisa strived to ‘activate a child’s own natural desire to learn’. Montessori As an inclusive educator, Lisa gave credence to – ‘If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn.’ Unknown A prominent poster in Lisa’s classroom read – ‘Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood’. F Rogers
We must always remember, ‘Children learn as they play. Most importantly, through play children learn how to learn’. F Donaldson

Melanie Doyle
After having begun her career teaching Prep, Melanie has been the Teacher/Director of a stand-alone kindergarten in Mackay for the last ten years.
Melanie was inspired to join ECTA after hearing her mother (also a teacher) talk about the positive effect networking at ECTA meetings had on her teaching practice back when the Bruce Highway was “just a goat track” and she was teaching in a small country town.
Melanie is always keen to participate in conversations that advocate on behalf of teachers and educators and their role in educating young children. She joined the ECTA State Management Committee as a member in 2022.
Conference Committee

Kim Walter

Liz Fallon

Melanie Doyle

Lisa Cooper

Helen Noble

Sue Norwoood

Joanne Young

Lynne Ireland
Journal Committee

Marion Mori

Archana Sinh

Sue Webster

Angela Drysdale

Kim Walters

Jeanie Watts