April Webinar Sandi Pheonix

Online for members only

Registration link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUucuGuqjMuEt1-SixBbujjF76nW7q_gtIV

ECTA February Webinar

Online for members only

Educator Wellbeing: The Phoenix Cups approach with Christopher Phoenix Wednesday 24 February 2021 5.00pm – 6:30 pm AVAILABLE TO ECTA 2021 MEMBERS ONLY AGE RANGE TAUGHT: Birth to Year three OUTLINE: As human beings, we all have needs that need to be met. When they aren’t met, life doesn’t function the way it should. Our behaviour […]

Music-making with purpose: more than just ‘Twinkle, twinkle’

Online for members only

ECTA Webinar:  Music-making with purpose: more than just ‘Twinkle, twinkle’5pm to 6:30pm 28 October 2020ECTA Members CLICK HERE to register OUTLINE: 'Children’s music education materials should be chosen as carefully as choosing food for them.' Zoltan Kodaly This hands-on, interactive workshop will investigate the links between music and young children’s development, success in other areas of […]

Specifically unpacking What Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspetives Looks Like within our Kindy Space with Belinda Rule

Online for members only

Specifically unpacking what embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives looks like within our kindy space with Belinda Rule Wednesday 30 September 2020 5.00 – 6:30 pm Outline: Based on the amazing feedback from the ECTA online conference, Belinda will be looking at a few of the Kindy’s initiatives from start to finish.  She realises that […]

Looking beyond Twinkle twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children

Online for members only

Looking beyond Twinkle twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children with Sue Lewin  25 March 2020 4:30pm - 6pm   Looking beyond Twinkle Twinkle: choosing quality music experiences for children Abstract:- Zoltan Kodaly, a famous musicologist believed that choosing music for children is as important as choosing food for them. In this webinar we explore where to […]